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Re: Can't tell the difference in operation between PATH_SCRIPT and NO_PATH_SCRIPT

Am Fri, 26 Jan 2024 14:17:14 -0500
schrieb Steve Dondley <s@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

> > 
> > I respectfully disagree.

And so do I ...

> [...] I see ZDOTDIR listed in the
> “Parameters” chapter. I have no idea what a “Parameter” is. Is this
> an environment variable? And I don’t get any of my other questions
> answered.

man zshparam

First Section "DESCRIPTION"
First Paragraph

A parameter has a name, a value, and a number of attributes. 
A name may be any sequence of alphanumeric characters and underscores,
or the single characters ‘*', ‘@', ‘#', ‘?', ‘-', ‘$', or ‘!'. A
parameter whose name begins with an alphanumeric or underscore is also
referred to as a variable.

For me this definitely adequately describes what exactly a 'parameter'

   --> arguments <--==--> parameters <--==--> variables <--

Is just depends on the angle from which I have the view to them.

And the $ZDOTDIR:

So, if you want to have the zsh startup files, e.g. your sysop mounts
your team account to somewhere else than


then he will probably set


Have a lot of Fun...

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