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Java completion for Java files


I was directed here to discuss Java completion.

Java now supports (since Java 10 I think) command lines like 

java Math.java 


java src/main/java/org/me/Math.java

It will then just compile and launch that java file. But zsh won't autocomplete for that. It only wants a jar, class file or whatever.

I would like normal completion on file and directories with a filter on .java files. Possibly on top of the classpath way (which I never use so just deactivating it would be fine with me, but we can keep the existing and add more completion on top).

The problem is probably somewhere in there: https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh/blob/master/Completion/Unix/Command/_java but I don't know enough how it works to propose a fix myself.

Any help would be appreciated,

Henri Tremblay
Java Champion
EasyMock and Objenesis dev lead

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