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Re: piping surprise

On 2024-04-05 13:32, Bart Schaefer wrote:
On Wed, Apr 3, 2024 at 11:49 AM Ray Andrews <rayandrews@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I believe Bart had a solution to that.
I can't think what you're referring to, but in the realm of the baroque ...
It was a few years ago.  I'd plum forgotten to the point where I was mystified when the above happened because I've not thought about it since.  But I do remember that Roman was running all sorts of interesting speed tests.  I wish we could search the archives, I'd go looking for it.  I do remember making a typical comment to the effect that there's nothing intuitive about this subshell business but it turns out that there are deep reasons for it just the same.

func  | ...

... I sorta expect func to do whatever it does, even if the *output* is piped into a subshell.  In the above, I'm expecting my variable to be modified, pipe or  no pipe since the intention of the pipe would seem to be to modify the output and -- I might have thought -- that's all.

typeset -gi Pnum
alias -g '|'='> ${TMPPREFIX}pipe$$.$((++Pnum)) ; < ${TMPPREFIX}pipe$$.$((Pnum))'
Not for thumb-suckers like myself!

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