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Re: exit to shell from nested function calls.

On 2024-05-16 13:26, Roman Perepelitsa wrote:
I'd turn this into a script (executable file) and use exit to bail
out. IMO, anything that can be a script is better off as a script.
I'm slowly figuring that out.  Yes, that's the motivator I need.  Coming from C I just sorta started writing functions cuz that's what one does in C.

Thanks Roman. 

BTW, just in case you're wondering, it's an overlay for mostly firefox which chatters to the disk almost constantly.  Got  a newer machine recently and it has a SSD, but I know they have limited R/W cycles so I'm using the overlay to deflect the chatter to RAM.  Works good so far.  Will try it with a few other progs too, and possibly /var.  It 's interesting watching 'fatrace -fW' for a while -- see who's a disk blabbermouth. 

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