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Re: the splits

On 2024-05-21 18:48, Mark J. Reed wrote:
Running lsof | grep seems a bit silly. Can't you just do lsof $mountpoint?

When I want to select columns I usually reach for awk:

 sudo lsof $mountpoint | awk '{print $1, $NF}'

Beautiful, nuts' I just presumed I needed to grep for that. Much faster your way.  As for awk, I don't know anything about it, but googling for help on various issues, one sees awk coming to the rescue all the time.  I half way learned sed, but I think I should have learned awk. One little thing, can I have the first and last columns, but with a tab between, or some other columnizer?:

zsh        /mnt/sda/5/boot
geany      /mnt/sda/5/boot

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