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Re: ls completion

From: Bart Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2024 13:40:50 -0700

> Type Ctrl+x ? instead of TAB, to invoke _complete_debug

Ctrl-x ? does nothing here as I have completely redefined all the
bindings but I've now put that on Alt-i. Thanks for that, could come in
handy one of those days.

> then examine the output file to see what's being done.

Mea culpa :-/ I've checked whether there's an alias, function, script
etc etc called ls. But I haven't checked for _ls... and there's a tiny
helper function for ls I've hacked together very shortly after
installing zsh... and this derails the completion.

(Nowadays I call these helpers ls0, or ls00, but back then I was a
complete 100% newbie whereas today I am just a 98% newbie... Big
progress :-) ).

Again thanks Tom

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