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Re: How to delete .*.~undo-tree~ files?

On 2024-06-12 11:48, Bart Schaefer wrote:
So the only way to "break the string up" is never to put it together
in the first place.  Using an array would be one way to do that, but
not necessarily the best way depending on where/how the substrings
Yeah, that has to be the answer.  If I want to break up "Let me not, 'to the m'"arriage of" true minds" into:
te me n
ot, to th
e marriage
 of true minds

... the parts would have to exist separately before concatenation cuz once together there's no paper trail back to where the parts came from.  It's actually a dumb question even tho it's worth asking -- my array would have to pre-exist in which case the elements would indeed be delimited from each other.  But you can't unscramble the egg.


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