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zle oddity or some option running wild?

Hi all,

I am building zle user-defined widgets with great success (and almost
running out of Alt/Ctrl etc combos :-/). Now though I've run into a
strange effect which I don't understand.

I have this in my zsh init:
autoload -U select-word-style
select-word-style shell
zle -N backward-kill-shell-word backward-kill-word
zstyle :zle:backward-kill-shell-word word-style shell

and have backward-kill-shell-word bound to Ctrl-A to test. This is what
happens if I try to use that shortcut with a line that contains just
$ test test1<CURSOR><Ctrl-A>

This turns the line into
$ test <CURSOR>

If I press Ctrl-Y (my shortcut for yank) I get
$ test test test1<CURSOR>

If I add a test widget that just calls backward-kill-shell-word and then
prints the actual $CUTBUFFER this is indeed "test test1" although
backward-kill-shell-word has only removed "test1" from the command line.

This is probably due to yet another strange option buried somewhere in
my init... speaking of which, my

All this with:
1/ram>zsh --version
zsh 5.9 (x86_64-debian-linux-gnu)

I am puzzled and grateful for any idea how to fix this.


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