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Re: From zsh back to bash

On Mon, Jul 1, 2024, at 3:39 PM, Gunnar Erik Gervin wrote:
> How do I find out which shell options I have in a zsh terminal?

Assuming you mean "which shells you have available", this command
lists the shells provided by macOS (assuming /etc/shells hasn't
been modified):

	% cat /etc/shells

Presumably you know about any shells that you've installed yourself.

> How do I set the standard shell (in an iMac from 2017) to be bash 
> instead of zsh ?

Assuming you mean "default interactive shell", follow these
instructions but select bash instead of zsh:


Note that macOS's /bin/bash is very old.  If you want to use another
bash, you may have to adjust the instructions (e.g., run "sudo chsh
-s /path/to/newer/bash" instead of the unprivileged "chsh -s

How to obtain another bash is left as an exercise for the reader.


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