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Re: "cd .."+Tab does not add "/" on MacOS (Sonoma)

On Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 11:48 AM Marc <sedshall@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I suppose the question must have been asked a million times already, but
> neither Google no ChatGPT brought any useful/working answers...
> Opening zsh on my Mac takes me to my home directory (Users/marc/).
> Entering cd .. (+tab) should expand my input to "cd ../" (slash
> attached). However, it doesn't.
> I am rather new to zsh and did not excessively mess with zshrc, so I
> don't think the problem sits there, and calling "zsh -f" seems to
> confirm this assumption as my .zshrc-setting are ignored with '-f' and
> cd ..(+tab) still doesn't work.
> This is the list of option I get with setopt:
> interactive
> login
> monitor
> norcs
> shinstdin
> zle
> What should I do to fix this?

zstyle ':completion:*' special-dirs ..

Mikael Magnusson

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