Just noting that you seem to have contradictory statements there?
>> (and "cd ."+Tab) adds "/"
>> (and just "."+Tab) does NOT
Or does the second one mean trying to complete a command name rather
than a chdir target?
Yes, what's (partially) not working is command name or rather command path completion.
On my machine there aren't any files whose name starts with 2 dots. Whenever I type "cd .." and press TAB, a slash is added. If I press TAB a second time, it lists the directories in the parent directory. Further TABs iterate through these directories. Sometimes I want to execute a command that isn't in the PATH and whose relative path starts with "..", then I type ".." and press TAB in the hope that it will auto-complete the slash like it does for "cd .." but that doesn't work. When I press TAB nothing happens, except for a blink, which I guess is to indicate that no possible completion was found.
Interestingly "./.."+TAB works. Same for any other path that ends with "/.." (or "/.").
So I would suggest you look at _complete_help (^Xh) or _complete_debug
(^X?) output to try to find the failure. ^Xh for me with "." in
command position as above (gmail may wrap lines):
tags in context :completion::complete:-command-::
commands builtins functions suffix-aliases reserved-words jobs parameters parameters aliases (_command_names _autocd)
commands (_path_commands _command_names _autocd)
path-dirs (_path_commands _command_names _autocd)
jobs (_jobs _command_names _autocd)
parameters (_parameters _command_names _autocd)
local-directories (_cd _autocd)
Thanks, that starts to explain what's missing. If I do the same, I get the following:
tags in context :completion::complete:-command-::
commands builtins functions aliases suffix-aliases reserved-words jobs parameters parameters (_command_names _autocd)
commands (_path_commands _command_names _autocd)
jobs (_jobs _command_names _autocd)
Compared to you, I'm missing the fourth and the last two lines. I guess that the missing " local-directories" explains why ".."+TAB doesn't suggest "../".
Now the question is why do I miss some lines? The only completion related statements that I have in my Zsh configuration are the two following lines in my .zshrc:
autoload -Uz compinit && compinit;
zstyle ':completion:*' special-dirs true;
I'm using Zsh 5.9 on macOS.
Do you have a custom configuration that could explain the additional lines?
On Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 3:40 AM Philippe Altherr
<philippe.altherr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> zstyle ':completion:*' special-dirs true;
> Thanks to that "cd ..."+Tab (and "cd ."+Tab) adds "/". I also noticed that "<any-path>/.."+Tab (and "<any-path>/."+Tab) adds "/" but for some reason, just ".."+Tab (and just "."+Tab) does NOT add "/". Any idea how that could be fixed?
Just noting that you seem to have contradictory statements there?
>> (and "cd ."+Tab) adds "/"
>> (and just "."+Tab) does NOT
Or does the second one mean trying to complete a command name rather
than a chdir target?
Anyway all of this works for me, e.g.:
schaefer<504> .[TAB]
Completing external command
Completing builtin command
Completing parameter
.zle.esc .zle.sgr .shadow.depth .shadow.stack
Completing local directory
.git/ ../ ./
(The last two do not appear with special-dirs false)
So I would suggest you look at _complete_help (^Xh) or _complete_debug
(^X?) output to try to find the failure. ^Xh for me with "." in
command position as above (gmail may wrap lines):
tags in context :completion::complete:-command-::
commands builtins functions suffix-aliases reserved-words jobs
parameters parameters aliases (_command_names _autocd)
(_path_commands _command_names _autocd)
(_path_commands _command_names _autocd)
(_jobs _command_names _autocd)
(_parameters _command_names _autocd)
(_cd _autocd)