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Re: ^[0d backward-word works on arch, not on ubuntu

On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 7:56 AM mailinglists15235
<mailinglists15235@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> hi,
> I have an Arch and an Ubuntu system where I just copied the
> ~/.{oh-my-,}zsh* stuff to.
> Both cat ctrl+left as ^[0d but only on arch the ctrl+left results
> in backward-word - what is the supposed way to get this under
> ubuntu - what is the problem? (obviously i could just bindkey it,
> but it seems that there is a more systematic way)

Bindings are indeed created with bindkey. By default, nothing is bound
to "^[0d". You can check your current bindings by typing "bindkey".

Use Ctrl-V instead of `cat` to figure out what Ctrl-Left sends to zle.
The latter is unreliable when using oh-my-zsh due to this snippet:


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