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Long running tar command

There is this tar commands that takes many hours to complete:

  setopt multios
  tar c -v -f >(tee dest.tar | md5sum > dest.md5) /data > dest.list

- Write tar file to dest.tar
- Calculate the md5sum and write it to des.md5
- Write an index to stdout (redirected to dest.list)  (-v option)

This is all done in a single command to save time.

I'd also like to use the --verify tar option, but that does not
work because ">(...)" is not a seekable file descriptor.  Any idea
how to get around this limitation?

(This _could_ be done by running md5sum in a separate command, but
that takes another couple of hours to complete.)


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


Dominik Vogt

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