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Filename Expansion

Hello, there seem to be some situations where the tilde is not expanding despite being unquoted.

For example :-

% print -r ~\ ; print -r ~~ ; print -r ~\\ ;



It seems quoting a character here is also quoting the preceding tilde sign, except for ~~ which is being quoted despite no \ , ‘ or “.

Turning on xtrace confirms that these are being quoted :-

% (set -x ; print -r ~\ ; print -r ~~ ; print -r ~\\ ) 

+zsh:1> print -r '~ '

+zsh:1> print -r '~~'


+zsh:1> print -r '~\'


Similar behaviour in scripts



print -r ~\ 

print -r ~~

print -r ~\\

% ./script.sh   




Same behaviour with :-

% print -r ~'*'


% print -r ~'@'


% print -r ~'%'


% print -r ~' '

% print -r ~# 


And also with double quotes instead of single quotes.

Yet, the tilde expands in the following :-

% print -r ~'/'


% print -r ~'/path/to/file'


% print -r ~\/


The documentation says :-

Each word is checked to see if it begins with an unquoted ‘~’. If it does, then the word up to a ‘/’, or the end of the word if there is no ‘/’, is checked to see if it can be substituted in one of the ways described here. If so, then the ‘~’ and the checked portion are replaced with the appropriate substitute value.

A ‘~’ by itself is replaced by the value of $HOME.


It appears that a ~ if followed by a quoted character only expands if that character is ‘/‘. And no expansion occurs if tilde is immediately followed by @,#,%,=,^… quoted or unquoted.

Can someone confirm what’s going on here ? Thanks.

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