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Re: why not promote the plague ? (brace|rc|alternative|modern) syntax

hello Eric,

> Aside from the bug in the mentioned thread, the fact that core developers were
> (and possibly still is) confused about expected behavior is enough to avoid the
> alternative syntax.

That's a huge point indeed.

> Many people that i learned from in IRC can't readily grok it
> without a man page, sure some of that is probably due to lack of use but in

This is weird to me and I'm happy to learn about this. the thing that
unfairly keep people away from zsh around me is the nested, long
parameter expansions (and I have to admit sometimes I'm still confused
about it). I encourage people practice and to get used to it, promise
assistance but still, they don't want to use it.

> addition to bugs and fringe behavioral differences from the normal syntax i see
> little gain in doing so apart from some people find it aesthetically pleasing.

This isn't aesthetical: it's much faster to type, edit and read
especially if you use the zle vi mode (or if you fc in vim) which became very advanced.

thanks again for sharing your opinions on it.


Marc Chantreux
Pôle CESAR (Calcul et services avancés à la recherche)
Université de Strasbourg
14 rue René Descartes,

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