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Re: why not promote the plague ? (brace|rc|alternative|modern) syntax
- X-seq: zsh-users 30152
- From: Marc Chantreux <mc@xxxxxxxxxx>
- To: Bart Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Cc: Zsh Users <zsh-users@xxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: why not promote the plague ? (brace|rc|alternative|modern) syntax
- Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2024 15:57:19 +0100
- Archived-at: <https://zsh.org/users/30152>
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On Fri, Dec 13, 2024 at 07:13:20AM +0900, Bart Schaefer wrote:
> I think those remarks apply mostly to script programming. E.g., I use
> shortloops all the time when at an interactive prompt, up until it becomes
> complicated enough with pipelines etc. that I need to force the interpretation.
I don't setopt shortloops. AFAIR it's different from alternative syntax
(and didn't work well for me). can you confirm ?
> > * should we promote the plague (for exemple by accepting it in the
> > completion code)?
> I'm not sure what that would look like. Completion doesn't really do anything
> for loop constructs beyond knowing where command position is.
correct. also most of the users don't contribute their completion code.
I was thinking of a way to make this syntax more commonly seen on
exemples if it was a good idea but the lack of enthousiasm in the
replies leads me to think it's probably a bad idea.
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