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Determining the index within the current word during completion
- X-seq: zsh-users 30186
- From: Ross Goldberg <ross.goldberg@xxxxxxxxx>
- To: zsh-users@xxxxxxx
- Subject: Determining the index within the current word during completion
- Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 14:16:25 -0500
- Archived-at: <https://zsh.org/users/30186>
- List-id: <zsh-users.zsh.org>
How can I determine the index of the cursor within the current word
during completion for all potential inputs, with each character
between the start of the word & the cursor increasing the index by
one, regardless if it is part of an escape sequence or not (or any
other type of character)?
e.g., say the current word is:
For all subsequent words, ^ is not a literal; it is only the location
of the cursor when completions have been requested. I want the
associated index to be returned:
0: ^1234
1: 1^234
2: 12^34
3: 123^4
4: 1234^
I can get that by using ${#PREFIX} for normal characters, but I'm
having problems for escaped characters.
e.g., for the following situations, the ${#PREFIX} won't give the
correct answer:
Current word & cursor: \n^
$PREFIX: n (should be \n)
${#PREFIX}: 1 (should be 2)
Current word & cursor: \^'
$PREFIX: \' (should be \)
${#PREFIX}: 2 (should be 1)
The following return the correct length:
Current word & cursor: \^n
$PREFIX: n (should be \)
${#PREFIX}: 1
Current word & cursor: \'^
${#PREFIX}: 2
Thanks for any help.
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