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TRAPINT breaks consecutive menu-complete

I've separated an issue, starting with clean config:

autoload -U compinit
zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=long-list select=1

# any of:
zle -C test menu-select _generic
zle -C test menu-complete _generic
zle -C test complete-word _generic

bindkey '\t' test

$ ls [tab, tab -- starts menu completion] [ctrl-c] [tab, tab -- completion again]

$ function TRAPINT { return 1; }

$ ls [tab, tab -- starts menu completion] [ctrl-c] [tab, tab - nothing happens, 3rd tab required]

This seems to happen for completion widgets only; with:

function test2 { zle menu-select; }	# or menu-complete, or expand-or-complete
zle -N testN test2
bindkey '\t' testN

there's no difference caused by TRAPINT.

What's wrong with completion widget and such trivial TRAPINT?

Tomasz Pala <gotar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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