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Re: a REMOTEHOST variable

Zefram writes:
>>it is the address of the remote host!
>Unnecessary, IMHO.  If one really wants it, it's easy enough to set up in a
>few lines of script.
> -zefram

I disagree of two counts:

1) It's not useful.

2) It's not easy to get it in a few lines of script.

My arguments:

1) It's not useful:

Most people who want the value of "REMOTEHOST" want it to set up a value
of "DISPLAY".  This is the wrong way to do it, and you're much better off
using a program like "rxx" [available from all good X11/contrib archives
near you] to propagate the correct valur of "DISPLAY".

2) It's not easy to get it in a few lines of script:

This information is not stored in a complete form anywhere, and so is
difficult to re-create without using programs like "netstat", and even
then you're not 100% sure you're right.

However, I did promise many moons ago that I would hack this into zsh.
I'll take another look at it sometime - I'm currently hacking http
servers, fax modems and apple/unix printing.



PS> Thanks Richard for these new lists, but a little more notice to
update my .procmailrc might have been handy! ;-)

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