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ksh ${x#\\}

I know this is trivial, just a ksh/zsh incompatibility, but ....
In zsh 2.6-beta10 I need 3 \s to get rid of one and in ksh I can only
use 2.

    % zsh -f
    phobos% x="\\paul"
    phobos% y="paul"
    phobos% print -R "y=$y ${y#p} , x=$x ${x#\\} "
    y=paul aul , x=\paul \paul 
    phobos% print -R "y=$y ${y#p} , x=$x ${x#\\} ${x#\\\}"
    y=paul aul , x=\paul \paul paul

    phobos% ksh
    $ x="\\paul"
    $ y="paul"
    $ print -R "y=$y ${y#p} , x=$x ${x#\\} "
    y=paul aul , x=\paul paul 
    $ print -R "y=$y ${y#p} , x=$x ${x#\\} ${x#\\\}"
    ksh: "y=$y ${y#p} , x=$x ${x#\\} ${x#\\\}": bad substitution

(I hate dealing with \\// on NT)
Thanks again for all your work on the best shell available...
Paul Becker              o       Atria Software       main:    617-676-2400
(617)676-2605           /~>     20 Maguire Road       fax:     617-676-2410
becker@xxxxxxxxx     o...(\     Lexington, MA  02173  http://www.atria.com/
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