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ZSH presence on WWW cf. Perl

[It's late Friday afternoon -- too late to do any real work ]


Has anyone seen the Perl WWW page lately? It's at


With the release of perl-5.002 came a much better (IMO at least)
organization. There are several aspects I like about it -- the broad
categories, the update time-stamps, the diversions.

I think it could serve as good boilerplate material for zsh. Not
that there is anything seriously wrong with the zsh page at present
-- it's certainly functional. But I'm getting bored with it.

In particular, I'd like to suggest that the baseline documentation be
converted to something other than nroff, such as perlpod. Before you
yell and flame back, wait...

I do think it's very important to have a current, up-to-date, good old
man page for zsh; I'm just not convinced nroff is the best source. In
fact, after viewing the perl page, I'm far from convinced. The frame
interface for the documentation, at


-- if your browser/machine can withstand the bombardment -- is pretty
powerful for navigating the documentation. (I think Tom had must've had
some graduate slavery in addition to pod2html here.)

Further, POD is easy to type, which is important because documentation
updates would be far more likely to be bundled with the patches.

I know, POD is somewhat restrictive on the embellishments you can put
in the text, but that's secondary to information content as I see it.
And you get pod2man, pod2html, maybe even a pod2texi, for free.

Comments anyone? 


P.S> Of course, I myself have little time to do work on any of this ;-).

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