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Re: ZSH presence on WWW cf. Perl

>Zefram  <A.Main@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>[quoted out of context]
>> HTML is irrelevant.
>> an info file, which is also irrelevant.
>Could you explain this?  I think info files are quite useful.  IMHO,
>they are easier to navigate than long man pages, whether those man
>pages are split or not.

It may be useful, but it's not directly relevant to this discussion.
We're discussing documentation for a Unix shell, so the primary
requirement is that we have online documentation in the form of a Unix
man page.  Info is an unnecessary extra.  HTML is even less useful.
Automated conversion to TeX or LaTeX, however, is of some use, as a
nice printed manual would be a good thing.  (But it is possible to
simply print the man page anyway.)


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