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Wierd problem with functions on Solaris 2.4

I'm not quite certain what happened, so I'm referring this question here to
see if anyone might know the reason for this strange occurance.

I am using zsh 2.6beta13 on Solaris 2.4, on a Sparc IPC.
I handed zsh the following function:

list() { ps -aux | grep $1 | grep -v grep ; }

and when I attempted to run it, my drive started getting accessed like crazy
and I was unable to get the machine to respond to any keystrokes or mouse
clicks, even though I was able to move the pointer around (was in OpenWindows).
An attempt to login remotely from another machine met with no success, for
I never received a login prompt.

I am uncertain if this is a problem with zsh, Solaris 2.4, or the function
itself.  Someone else who looked at the function said it _should_ work, but
of course it didn't.  So I'm wondering if anyone here has a clue, and may be
able to explain the problem to me.

Thanks for any help.

Ken Lareau

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