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Correction Bug in Beta 17


With the PROMPT_SUBST option set in zsh-2.6-beta17, the spelling correction
prompt is totally messed up, and two bogus error messages are produced:

1% setopt correct
2% setopt promptsubst
3% ks
zsh: unmatched '
zsh: parse error in command substitution
zsh: correct n
zsh: command not found: ks

I should not be getting the "unmatched" and "parse error" messages.  Wasn't
this problem already reported/fixed?  I distinctly recall that someone else
encountered this problem.

With PROMPT_SUBST turned off, everything is normal:

4% unsetopt promptsubst
5% ks
zsh: correct `ks' to `ls' [nyae]? n
zsh: command not found: ks


- Eskandar

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