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Re: 8-bit patch for zle_tricky.c

On May 20,  7:21pm, Zoltan Hidvegi wrote:
} Subject: Re: 8-bit patch for zle_tricky.c
} > Adding it to $IFS has no effect in this matter, because zsh does not do
} > field splitting on normal words.  (It should, at least if SH_WORD_SPLIT
} > is set.)
} I do not think so.  Neither bash nor ksh93 does this.  Look:
} % ksh
} $ count () { echo $# ; }
} $ IFS=/
} $ count as/df/gh
} 1
} SH_WORD_SPLIT only changes the result of substitutions.

zsh% /bin/sh
$ IFS=/
$ echo/bar
$ exit/1
zsh% echo $?

Bart Schaefer                             Brass Lantern Enterprises
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>N  2 Justin William Schaefer  Sat May 11 03:43  53/4040  "Happy Birthday"

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