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brace expn bug in 2.6beta16

Dear zsh workers,
   I recently upgraded from zsh 2.6 beta9 (I think) to beta16,
and having brace-delimited variables inside brace expansion
doesn't work as should anymore:

# C=c
# echo a{b,$C,d,e}f             # This one is ok
abf acf adf aef
# echo a{b,${C},d,e}f           # This one suddenly breaks
abf ac,d,ef
   Thanks for this great shell, the best ever made for a Un*x environment.

PS: I see that having /bin/sh a link to zsh now works fine,
that I can use zsh as an escape shell to less/ncftp/etc without problem,
that zsh's size shrank. Thanks a lot !

PPS: I see you integrated the UID= feature that I suggested some time ago
(perhaps I wasn't the only one). Now, there's a problem with it,
that you cannot swap the UID/EUID in the BSD way (setreuid).
I admit I see no totally satisfying way to easily integrate this
feature in the current zsh language,
and I'm not sure the feature is essential,
as most things can be done by forking a subshell to change the UID.

--    ,                                         ,           _ v    ~  ^  --
-- Fare -- rideau@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx -- Francois-Rene Rideau -- +)ang-Vu Ban --
--                                      '                   / .          --
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