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wish list for zsh

Dear ZSH workers,

   Here is a wish list for an even better zsh (my, is it possible?):

* There are still programs that won't work if $SHELL == zsh
 when spawning system commands.
 ncftp and kermit now work fine;
 I don't know if less will work now (didn't as of 2.6beta9),
 for I compiled it so it would use of /bin/sh instead of $SHELL.
 elm still doesn't work.
 I hate it to have a shell function include SHELL=/bin/sh
 before to launch applications;
 I hate it even more when I have to write an external script for that,
 because the application must be launched from an intermediate application
 as a standalone command name.

* to solve much of the problems, shouldn't -c imply -f ?

* I don't know if it's a feature or a bug, but
	mycommand =(foo)
 won't work as expected if mycommand was defined as
	mycommand () {
	   command2 $@
 because the temporary file will get deleted after command1.
 Shouldn't the temporary file be deleted only afterwards ?

* It would be nice if zsh had a function to return a temporary file name
 for use in scripts.
* The ability to *dynamically* tie an array to a colon-separated list,
 like you did for $path et al, would be good.
 For instance, I have INFOPATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH,
 and CLEANPATH variables, and some other programs I will install
 might have their own such variables.

NB: I'm not subscribed to the list, but would appreciate a personal
 answer about your implementing or not those features.
 Anyway, thanks for this wonderful shell!
--    ,                                         ,           _ v    ~  ^  --
-- Fare -- rideau@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx -- Francois-Rene Rideau -- +)ang-Vu Ban --
--                                      '                   / .          --
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