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Re: zsh, vi mode, vihistorysearchbackward

> >I can see how "/" should seem to be "search forward" and "?" should be
> >"search backward", but this works exactly opposite as it did before.
> We are trying to emulate vi, rather than ksh.  As a vi user, I find the
> new bindings much more intuitive -- ? is a backward search, so that's
> what I use to search backward through the history.
> >I've used a couple bindkeys in my own .zshrc to switch the two
> >functions (putting "backwards" back on "/"), but I'm pushing others
> >here to switch from ksh to zsh, and I think the default behavior
> >will confuse them (since the default bindings work exactly opposite
> >as ksh in vi mode).  Anybody (dis)agree with switching them back?

I think the interpretation should be that "/" searches the `natural'
direction (whatever that is) and "?" searches the reverse of that.
With that interpretation, the previous behavoir is more natural.  As
Bart said, you rarely ever want to search forward (down) the history.
The `natural' direction is always to search up the history.


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