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Bug in beta21

This was also in beta20.  (It's these darned bug checks that were added,
I never get these messages in beta19!)

In the zsh Src directory, expanding things starting with zl:

11.36am, Thursday 20 June bommel% echo zlBUG: useheap in doexpandhist()ta21/Src

(I pressed TAB after the zl.)

The options:
alwaystoend autocd autopushd autoresume bgnice braceccl completeinword
correct correctall extendedglob hashcmds hashdirs hashlistall
histignoredups interactive listambiguous listtypes longlistjobs
magicequalsubst noclobber notify numericglobsort rcquotes shinstdin

This is using gcc on a Solaris (SunOS 5.4) machine.
Bruce Stephens			| email: B.Stephens@xxxxxxxxxxx
Utrecht University              | telephone: +31 30 2534630
Department of Mathematics       | telefax:   +31 30 2518394
P.O. Box 80010, 3508 TA Utrecht |
The Netherlands                 |

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