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Re: Bug in beta21

Bruce wrote:
>Here's the offending fragment:
>if [[ "$TERM" = xterm || "$TERM" = aixterm ]]
>        typeset -l titlebartime
>	set-titlebar() {
>		titlebartime=$(print -Pn "%D{%r}")
>		print -Pn "\E]0;%~@%m   $titlebartime, %D{%A %d %B %Y}\C-g"
>        }
>	trap set-titlebar ALRM

You can abbreviate this to:

print -Pn "\E]0;%m:%~   %D{%A %d %B %Y}\C-g"

And it gives some other errors when expanding a dir:

~percy/BUG: permanent allocation in parsestr
BUG: permanent allocation in prefork

I was expanding on ~pe

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