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Re: Use of qualifiers without glob pattern?

> } The (:...) modifiers stopped working only if the argument had no wildcards
> } so *(:r) always worked.  And foo.bar(:r) works only since about a year.
> Ah.
> zagzig<1> i=foo.bar
> zagzig<2> echo $i:r $i(:r)
> foo foo.bar

$i:r and $i(:r) are different.  The former always works when $i is expanded
while the later is special form of filename generation (globbing).

> zagzig<3> echo ${i(:r)}
> zsh: closing brace expected

Yes, because (:r) is a glob modifier which only works if the word ends in
an unquoted closing parenthesis and there are no wildcards or embeded
parenthesis in this trailing parenthesized part of the word.

> Has this one, reported a few days ago by someone else, been fixed?
> zagzig<9> echo "foo\
> > $bar"
> foo$bar
> That seems like an important thing to get right.

Yes, I already fixed that but I did not send the patch.  The patch below
fixes that.

> } Maybe beta22 is not a good name for that.  It may be better
> } to call it to zsh-2.99.0 as the next stable release will be zsh-3.0.0.
> Why not 3.0-prerelease, or something like that?

I think it is better if there are only numbers in the version since it is
easier to parse in scripts.  Also 3.0-prerelease is too long. 3.0-pre1 may
be better.  I used to have version specific code in my startup files but
removed these since it became too complicated to handle things like
2.5.03, 2.6-beta9, 2.6-beta21, 2.6-beta15-hzoli14, 2.6-beta??-test??
(fortunately I never tried any version older than 2.5.0 so that case can be

But fortunately 3.0-something lexicographically comes before 3.0.something
so it is easy to handle this case which means that the next release may be
called 3.0-pre1.


rcsdiff -qc -kk -r2.26 -r2.27 Src/lex.c
*** Src/lex.c
--- Src/lex.c	1996/06/25 23:15:04	2.27
*** 1016,1022 ****
  		add(c == '$' || c == '\\' || (c == '}' && !intick && bct) ||
  		    c == '\"' || c == '`' ? Bnull : '\\');
  	    else if (sub || unset(CSHJUNKIEQUOTES) || endchar != '"')
! 		c = hgetc();
  	case '\n':
  	    err = !sub && isset(CSHJUNKIEQUOTES) && endchar == '"';
--- 1016,1022 ----
  		add(c == '$' || c == '\\' || (c == '}' && !intick && bct) ||
  		    c == '\"' || c == '`' ? Bnull : '\\');
  	    else if (sub || unset(CSHJUNKIEQUOTES) || endchar != '"')
! 		continue;
  	case '\n':
  	    err = !sub && isset(CSHJUNKIEQUOTES) && endchar == '"';

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