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Default compctls

Recent changes to compctl and to some other zsh behaviors lead me to ask
whether we should revise the default compctls.  Here's the current set:

compctl -b bindkey
compctl -c builtin
compctl -v export
compctl -o setopt
compctl -v typeset
compctl -v unset
compctl -o unsetopt
compctl -v vared
compctl -c which
compctl -C -c
compctl -D -f
compctl -T

First question:  Shouldn't that be `compctl -B builtin`?  If not, why not?

Next, an observation and (possibly) a bug:  The change to make `command',
`exec', `noglob', and `-' into builtins (rather than keywords) has caused
command completion for those words to stop working.  This would seem to
call for some new default compctls:

compctl -c -		# BUG!  `-' has special meaning to `compctl'!
compctl -m command
compctl -c exec
compctl -c noglob

Is there any workaround for the bug noted above?

Further, there doesn't seem to be any reason not to include the following
additional defaults:

compctl -j bg disown fg jobs kill wait
compctl -v declare integer local
compctl -aBFw disable
compctl -daBFw enable
compctl -F functions
compctl -Nv getln read
compctl -pv readonly
compctl -c sched
compctl -a unalias
compctl -F unfunction
compctl -cn unhash
compctl -p unset
compctl -c whence where

Particularly those last; why should `which' get a default completion, but
not `whence' or `where'?

As a final remark, it would be nice if `emulate', `limit', `trap' and
`ulimit' had some built-in equivalents of `compctl -k "(...)"' because
there's no obvious way to generate the lists of emulations or limits;
and `compctl -k "($(kill -l))" trap' is just re-using a list that was
already generated at compile time, so it might as well get compiled in
as a completion as well.


Bart Schaefer                             Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts            http://www.nbn.com/people/lantern

New male in /home/schaefer:
>N  2 Justin William Schaefer  Sat May 11 03:43  53/4040  "Happy Birthday"

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