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Array values and parameter expansion specs

There isn't much documentation in zshexpn.man concerning which of the SPEC
forms can be used with array expressions.  For example, ${#NAME} describes
what happens if NAME is an array, and there are a few mentions of NAME[@],
but otherwise there's silence.  The stuff in zshparam.man (and the "Array
parameters" section of zsh.info) is no more helpful.


zsh% foo=(1 2 3)
zsh% echo ${foo[2]:+whee}
zsh% echo ${foo[2]:-whee}
zsh% echo ${foo[2]:=whee}
zsh: closing brace expected

What's the distinction?

Bart Schaefer                             Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts            http://www.nbn.com/people/lantern

New male in /home/schaefer:
>N  2 Justin William Schaefer  Sat May 11 03:43  53/4040  "Happy Birthday"

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