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Unable to process a for loop as expected??

Hello there!

I hope I am writing to the proper person(s).  If not just let me know 
who to write to or better yet,  forward this to the proper 

My problem is trying to read in a string of values into a for loop.

A trivial script example is provided:


list="a b c d"

for character in $list
   echo "Character is $character"
The expected output (Exactly what I wish to accomplish):

Character is a
Character is b
Character is c
Character is d

Actual output (Not what I want to accomplish):

Character is a b c d

A similar script using the /bin/bash shell produces the "expected" output, 
however, using the /bin/zsh shell produces the "actual", i.e., 
unwanted, output

Can some one help me resolve this issue.  I am indeed looking for a 
resolution that will allow me to produce the "expected" ouput in such 
a for loop construct.

BTW, according to the extracted sources, I am using zsh version zsh-2.6-beta19.  
However, according to the man pages, I am using zsh version 2.7.  (Why 
the discrepancy?)

I am running the LINUX operating system, version 1.3.91.

If you need to know more info jusk ask :-).

Thanks for your help!


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