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Re: checking zsh

Hi all!

I've done some checking on zsh-3.0.1 with Insure++.
Unfortunately here are lots of bugs in Insure, so the output 
isn't entirely reliable.  It has found two small things though:

- In createparamtable() in params.c, it looks as if the memory 
  allocated to "Param pm;" is lost.

- In addfd() in exec.c, the check "if (!fdtable[subsh_close])"
  seems to be executed even when subsh_close = -1.

The line allocated in inputline() might also be free'd and
reallocated, but that might just as well be an Insure bug.

Apart from these things, Zsh seems to be quite bug free.
(At least on this level.)

Let me know if the bugs were real, or if Insure just got
confused.  I'm not on a member of this mailing list, so keep 
a Cc: to me.  Thanks.


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