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4 bugs

  just some bugs:

1. Setting terminals to a low number of columns (under 5 or so) still coredumps
  during use.

2. There's still a refresh bug that I'll look into - it looks like one I
  thought I got rid off - relating to both delete & insert done on a line

3. Really long lines in your HISTFILE get chopped into 1K blocks and allocated
  a history line each when you start a shell - probably also when you load at
  other times.

4. I'm sitting here trying to think of the fourth bug I found.......
   just a minute... I'm sure it'll come back to me....... typing doesn't
   help you remember......oh yes, it was:
% $(cat nothing)<TAB>

% $(cat nothing)cat: nothing: No such file or directory
 <--- cursor here

Geoff Wing [gwing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]     PrimeNet - Internet Consultancy
  Web   : http://www.primenet.com.au/  Phone    : +61-3-9818 2977
  Mobile: 0412 162 441		       Facsimile: +61-3-9819 3788

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