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Re: history search bug{,fix}

Wayne Davison wrote:
>Unfortunately this changes the way searching works in some cases.
>For instance, if you type an 's' and then use history-search-backward
>it will find a command that starts with the letter 's' (as before).
>However, if you type the command again it searches for a command
>that matches the current command instead of continuing to look for
>commands that start with the letter 's'.  The only time the new
>behavior matches the old is when the initial search is for a full
>word (i.e. it was terminated by a space).

That's odd.  It looks like history-search-{for,back}ward only behaved
as documented if the word ended in a space, otherwise acting like
history-beginning-search-{for,back}ward.  Wouldn't it be better to make
them actually behave as documented -- only look for complete words
matching the current one?


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