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Re: MH command completion problems

Peter Stephenson wrote:
>tstfn() { reply=("${1%/*}/foo" "${1%/*}/bar") }
>compctl -K tstfn -S / -q tstfn
>tstfn foo/<TAB>
>This certainly gives me the double / (you can't get any more because
>of the way tstfn is defined), but autolist does work for me.

Yes, it's a shell bug.  In the above scenario, tstfn is getting
arguments "foo" and "".  The already-present suffix is being ignored at
that point, for completion purposes.  The function returns completions
"foo/foo" and "foo/bar".  If I recall the internals correctly, this is
being interpreted as requiring the addition of "/foo" or "/bar" to the
existing string "foo".  However, the additions are being applied to the
string actually there, "foo/", which the function saw no indication

Theoretically, it's a simple matter of programming to make the -S
suffix be added in the right place.  Actually it's a bit of a


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