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Windows NT/95 version of zsh3.0.2


I am currently in the process of porting zsh.3.0.2 to Windows NT (and
95). I have most of the functionality working, but there are a few bugs
outstanding. International support is the major one ( easily fixed on
nt, but that leaves 95 broken), but there are others.

Please check out ftp.blarg.net:/users/amol/zsh  for source and
executables. The nt source is not yet packaged for integration into the
unix source, so do not mix the two.

You will need Microsoft Visual c++  4.2 or greater to compile the
current version. If you have other compilers (borland, watcom NOT
cygnus-gcc or DOS compilers) you will need to study fork.c for changes
specific to your compiler.

comments, suggestions are welcome.


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