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Re: bug in getopts

Christopher T. White wrote:
> Dear ZSH users and workers,
> Forgive me if this has been addressed previously, but I haven't run into
> this particular situation before.
> Getops seems to be broken in zsh version 3.1.0. 

It's broken in 3.0.2, too.

I looked into the sources and think I found the bug(s). Edit the file
zsh-3.1.0/Src/buitin.c, look for the function 'bin_getopts' and replace
that function by the attached version. I marked the changes with /*!! 
(sorry, I'm not yet familiar with the patch utility).

After rebuild ingand reinstalling zsh, getopts should work correctly.


Bernd Eggink
Regionales Rechenzentrum der Universitaet Hamburg
bin_getopts(char *name, char **argv, char *ops, int func)
    int lenstr, lenoptstr, i;
    char *optstr = unmetafy(*argv++, &lenoptstr), *var = *argv++;
    char **args = (*argv) ? argv : pparams;
    static int optcind = 1, quiet;
    char *str, optbuf[2], *opch = optbuf + 1;

    /* zoptind keeps count of the current argument number */
    if (zoptind < 1)
	/* first call */
	zoptind = 1;
    if (zoptind == 1)
{ /*!! added*/
	quiet = 0;
    optbuf[0] = '+';
    zoptarg = ztrdup("");
    setsparam(var, ztrdup(""));
    if (*optstr == ':') {
	quiet = 1;
}	/*!! added*/
    if (zoptind > arrlen(args))
	return 1;
    str = unmetafy(args[zoptind - 1], &lenstr);
    if ((*str != '+' && *str != '-') || optcind >= lenstr ||
	(lenstr == 2 && str[0] == '-' && str[1] == '-')) {
	/* current argument doesn't contain options, or optcind is impossibly
	large */
	if (*str == '+' || *str == '-')
	optcind = 0;
	return 1;
    /* Get the option character.  optcind records the current position within
    the argument. */
    if (!optcind)
	optcind = 1;
    *opch = str[optcind++];
    if (optcind == lenstr) {
	    str = unmetafy(args[zoptind - 1], &lenstr);
	optcind = 0;
    /* look for option in the provided optstr */
    for (i = 0; i != lenoptstr; i++)
	if (*opch == optstr[i])
    if (i == lenoptstr) {
	/* not a valid option */
	setsparam(var, ztrdup("?"));
	if (quiet) {
	    zoptarg = metafy(opch, 1, META_DUP);
	    return 0;
	zerr("bad option: -%c", NULL, *opch);
	errflag = 0;
	return 0;
    /* copy option into specified parameter, with + if required */
    setsparam(var, metafy(opch - (*str == '+'), 1 + (*str == '+'), META_DUP));
    /* handle case of an expected extra argument */
    if (optstr[i + 1] == ':') { /*!! changed 1 to i + 1 */
	if (!args[zoptind - 1]) {
	    /* no extra argument was provided */
	    if (quiet) {
		zoptarg = metafy(opch, 1, META_DUP);
		setsparam(var, ztrdup(":"));
		return 0;
	    setsparam(var, ztrdup("?"));
	    zerr("argument expected after -%c option", NULL, *opch);
	    errflag = 0;
	    return 0;
	/* skip over the extra argument */
	zoptarg = metafy(str + optcind, lenstr - optcind, META_DUP);
	optcind = 0;
    return 0;

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