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Re: Feature Suggestion

ramos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx said:
> The "magic" relationship between path/PATH, manpath/MANPATH, and 
> fpath/FPATH (are there others?) should be made genericly available 
> via a typeset flag. e.g. 

This has come up before, but I can't remember what happened to it.  Some 
shells, (ksh93?, tcsh?) have a more general feature of programmable actions 
which happen when parameters get set/read, so perhaps the plan was to provide 
and use that?

There's a bit of a problem with things like: "set cdpath=(/foo:blurb .. 
~/bin)" and the like, but that exists already and doesn't bother anyone.

In any case, I think you're right, there ought to be some way of doing this, 
and I can't see a way.  (typeset -m is a bad choice though, since -m is 
already taken.)

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