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Re: where, oh where, has our maintainer gone?

At 16:11 -0500, 07 Jan. 1998, Timothy J Luoma <luomat+zsh+workers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> X-Mailing-List: <zsh-workers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> archive/latest/3673

> I'm relatively sure I have all the recent ZSH-workers posts.... I keep all  
> my email....
> Since the posts aren't numbered I can't be sure.

Yes they are, in the X-Mailing-List header as quoted above.

Aaron Schrab     aaron@xxxxxxxxxx      http://www.execpc.com/~aarons/
 If you have to be a dictating czar, and you have to kill people with
 axes, Peter the Great did it like nobody else.  -- Anne Rice

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