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Re: Zle bug

On Sun, Feb 01, 1998 at 03:41:48PM +0100, Thomas Köhler wrote:
> I'd say "no, it's a bug" ;-)
> Looking at the manpages, I found this:
>           up-line-or-search
>           Move  up a line in the buffer, or if already at the
>           top line, search backward in the history for a line
>           beginning with the first word in the buffer.

Wouldn't it be preferable to fix the documentation rather than
the code?  I've also used this feature for as long as I can recall,
and FWIW the new behaviour I also assumed to be a bug.

Long live the status quo!  Down with user-defined widgets!  Affirmative
action for non-word-boundaries!

Seriously, if you have this function bound the cursor keys, this is
a major breakage.


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