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PATCH: don't read tty settings in zle

(Look! There's real grammar in the subject line this time.  Or,
subject line grammar reality surprise, as I would usually put it.)

Some time ago I complained that zsh was messing up my tty settings
when I killed jobs in the background.  I've had a closer look and
found out it wasn't that simple.  I have a completion function for
kill which prints the job name as a comment after %no, and I
habitually use it for killing things since I'm lazy.  It was _this_
job exiting which caused the tty setting to be read, and since zle was
active they were messed up:  nothing to do with genuine job control.

The answer is easy:  don't get the current tty settings when zle is
active.  This patch is for 3.1.x, but probably applies to 3.0.5, too.

*** Src/jobs.c.stty	Tue Jan 13 11:41:56 1998
--- Src/jobs.c	Wed Mar 25 15:07:12 1998
*** 190,196 ****
!     if (shout && !ttyfrozen && !jn->stty_in_env &&
  	job == thisjob && !somestopped && !(jn->stat & STAT_NOSTTY))
--- 190,196 ----
!     if (shout && !ttyfrozen && !jn->stty_in_env && !zleactive &&
  	job == thisjob && !somestopped && !(jn->stat & STAT_NOSTTY))

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxx>       Tel: +39 50 844536
WWW:  http://www.ifh.de/~pws/
Gruppo Teorico, Dipartimento di Fisica
Piazza Torricelli 2, 56100 Pisa, Italy

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