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Re: Completion bug with `pwd`?

-----Original Message-----
From: Zefram <zefram@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Andrej Borsenkow <borsenkow.msk@xxxxxx>
Cc: <zsh-workers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

>Andrej Borsenkow wrote:
>>itsrm2% cat `pwd`/defTAB ==>
>>itsrm2% cat /home/bor/tmp/stawropol/def <=CURSOR here (after one space)
>Presumably you have tab bound to expand-or-complete, which will expand
>command substitutions rather than doing completion.

Yes. It seems to be default in ZSH :))

What is the correct way to do the above? (There are several commands which
insists on having the absolute pathname).


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