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Re: quick question about user defined zle widgets

On Nov 5, 12:51pm, Greg Klanderman wrote:
} Subject: quick question about user defined zle widgets
} Is it possible when defining a shell function as a user defined 
} widget to access the prefix argument?

I posted a patch to pass the prefix argument as a positional parameter,
but Zefram objects to using the positional parameters of widget functions
and so didn't include it in the release.

There are also several bugs (all of which I reported, search the archive)
involving widget functions that invoke others via the "zle" command, one
of which causes the prefix arg to get bizarre (usually very large) values.

} Also, is there any way when calling a builtin widget to figure out
} the status?  For example, I'd like to do "zle complete-word" in my
} widget and then determine if:
}   - it completed something
}   - there were no completions
}   - choices were listed
}   - choices had already been listed and it did nothing

I believe my patch also arranges to return a sensible exit code from the
"zle" command based on the return of the widget that is called, but I
don't recall for certain and I think Zefram objected to this as well.

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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