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Re: Associative arrays and memory

On Nov 14,  4:26pm, Peter Stephenson wrote:
} Subject: Re: Associative arrays and memory
} "Bart Schaefer" wrote:
} > zagzig<17> HISTSIZE=1000 
} > zagzig<18> HISTSIZE=0 echo hello
} > hello
} > zagzig<19> echo $HISTSIZE
} > 2
} This seems to be OK after restoring the old behaviour, so I haven't
} look further into what had gone wrong.

I found it ... the assignment "pm = tpm;" was mistakenly deleted from
below the code that was replaced by the call to copyparam().  That is,
in save_params() in exec.c, it should look like

	tpm->nam = s;
	copyparam(tpm, pm);
	pm = tpm;

So copyparam() itself is OK.

} > } There are currently no special assoc arrays, of course, and it should
} > } probably be possible to prevent there being any
} > 
} > What about the discussion that started all this -- using an associative
} > array to give user access to shell-internal completion data?
} Rats, I just looked at zle_params.c and you're right --- they're
} marked special.

Of course, a non-special associative array can contain special parameters.
That was part of the idea of using a parameter hash as the implementation.
And that would be the way to do it, rather than make the associative array
itself special.

} That doesn't mean assoc arrays need to be the same, though.  The case
} that needs worrying about is the following:
}   hash=(?...?) builtin_or_func
} where the ?...? represents whatever we pick for whole array
} assignments.

It doesn't matter that a whole array is being assigned to the hash, does
it?  Even creating a scalar with the same parameter name would require
that it be saved/restored.

Or are you talking *about* special parameters within the associative array
that need to be saved, and that's why whole-array assignment would matter?

} There's also no problem if the hash is simply used for storing
} information and is not tied to special variables or functions.  You
} only need a special mechanism for restoration for something like
} $path, where there's an internal variable that needs setting; simply
} restoring the struct param won't do that.

That is, you need to call the pm->sets functions when restoring specials,
which is what restore_params() does.  But my implementation does not call
anything equivalent to restore_params() on the parameter table stored in
the association, so it isn't helping to have save_params() copy it in the
first place.

} If we can agree that use of
} assoc arrays is simply going to be by direct access to the parameter
} we can avoid ever copying it: the above shell pseudocode simply makes
} the supplied $hash available for the duration of builtin_func.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean about "direct access."  If we're
going to put stuff like the present $BUFFER into an association, it needs
to be the case that assignment to (say) zle[BUFFER] actually modifies the
line editor state.

So the question is, should it ever be the case that

    zle=(? BUFFER "this is the command line" ... ?) builtin_or_func

causes the old command line to be restored following builtin_or_func?
And if we save and restore such a hash by the simple stacking method, is
$zle[BUFFER] going to give the right thing after builtin_or_func?

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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