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FAQ bug

In section 2.3 of the new FAQ, the first example of the zsh function for
cd is missing the closing double-quotes:
 cd() { builtin cd "$@; echo $PWD; }

As a thought: Bart pointed out $==* as an alternative to "$@" (one would
almost think he wanted to free up the syntax for something else :^) ...
perhaps mention of this in the FAQ in section 3.1 would be appropriate,
and perhaps mention in the table in 2.3(5), comments section.  I think
the point was more that $* was not always correct and relying on
defaults is a bad idea.  Mentioning both together seems to be one of
those hints that might make the concept of the expansion flags 'click'
in the user's mind.

--> Phil Pennock ; GAT d- s+:+ a22 C++(++++) UL++++/I+++/S+++/H+ P++@ L+++
E-@ W(+) N>++ o !K w--- O>+ M V !PS PE Y+ PGP+ t-- 5++ X+ R !tv b++>+++ DI+ D+
G+ e+ h* r y?

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