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Re: PATCH: unloading modules

Peter Stephenson wrote:

> Sven Wischnowsky wrote:
> > Finally I added some code for the setup- and finish-thing inside the
> > `#ifdef AIXDYNAMIC' but I'm far from certain that this is correct (is
> > the calling convention for boot et al different under AIX??). I don't
> > have a AIX box available so I need your help here.
> Zoli's the expert here, but the example module seems to load, run and
> unload smoothly at the moment.  Probably you need to alter
> Src/modentry.c to do what you want.  Here was Zoli's comment about
> that.
>   There is a new little C file in the Src directory called modentry.c which
>   is used to create modentry..o which is then linked to every dynamic zsh
>   module created on AIX.  modentry..o contains the entry point for the
>   module modentry(int, Module).  Since we do not have dlsym, modentry is
>   used to call the boot_/cleanup_ function.  The first argument is nonzero
>   for boot and zero for cleanup.  Each module is linked with -emodentry.
>   When the module loads, the load subroutine returns a function pointer to
>   modentry.  modentry is not exported by any module so there is no name
>   collision.
> Maybe this requires the setup and finish routine to be defined by
> every module.

Thanks for the help, I searched but didn't find modentry.c. (This file
calls `boot_' and `cleanup_', how is this turned into `boot_foo' and
Anyway, this might indeed require that we make setup and finish
mandatory. I have to say a bit more about this which I will send as a
separate mail.

> One problem I am having is that 'zmodload deltochar' reports a name
> clash.  This happens even immediately on starting zsh -f.
> % zmodload deltochar
> deltochar: name clash when adding ZLE function `delete-to-char'
> deltochar: name clash when adding ZLE function `delete-to-char'
> It does not seem to happen with any other module.

This doesn't happen for me, are you sure that you haven't configured
deltochar to be statically included in zsh?


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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