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RE: Completion list is not cleared

> >
> > itsrm2% pg Makefile <= cursor here
> > Makefile     MkKernOpts*  Mksrc*
> Is the cursor directly after the Makefile or after a space? I have it
> after a space, which is certainly the right thing.

After I press TAB the second time and automenu starts, it is directly after
And I mean the case, when I press SPACE after that, exiting current
completion. In this case cursor is after inserted space.

> If you have selfinsert bound to space the behaviour should be the one
> zsh always had (I think, I don't exactly remember 3.0.5 and I don't
> have it anymore, but a 2.6-beta12 I just found behaves the same).
> If you have space bound to magic-space I can understand that you would
> like the list to disappear, but at least that 2.6 didn't remove it,
> too (although zsh might have behaved differently in 3.0.x).

I must admit, I don't remember, when it changed. I started with late 2.x
beta, some time before version number was changed to 3.0.0. I never played
with bindkey for space. But I remember my surprise when I first have seen
list not disappearing. And I think, I even sent a message to this list at
this time ... gotta make a search ... no, sigh ... Hmmm about bindkey ...
there was large change in zle by Zefram. May it be, that some default
bindings changed at that time?

> So, can anyone test how 3.0.5 did this? Should we change it? Did the
> behavior change? If yes, was the old way better?

Well, this question actually belongs to zsh-users. I vote for clearing the
list :-)


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